Why CFG Above Others?
A Top-Notch Factoring & Asset-Based Lending Company
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CFG is a Step Above the Rest
The Commercial Finance Group is in business for your business. Our mission is to help you meet your business’ goals by providing you with the cash flow that you need when you need it. We’ve been in business for 45 years and have helped hundreds of companies grow. With a quick approval and funding process, you will be poised to take your small to medium-sized business or startup to the next level. Contact us today to get started!


When looking for a commercial finance solution for your small- to medium-sized business, there are many options to choose from, including traditional bank lending, merchant cash advances, and factoring and asset-based lending (ABL loans). There are so many, in fact, that it can be easy to become overwhelmed trying to decide which commercial lending solution will fit your needs. So how do you decide?
The Commercial Finance Group is a top-notch factoring and asset-based lending company that focuses on relationships. We want to ensure that our custom working capital solutions will work for your company’s needs. Below, we’ll explain what we do and how we can help your small- to medium-sized business grow. Contact us today to get started!
We Offer Both Factoring and Asset-Based Lending Solutions
The Commercial Finance Group stands out from its peers in many ways, one key differentiator is that we can provide an array of solutions to your working capital needs, whereas other companies are more specialized and only offer one solution.
Factoring is a form of commercial financing that many companies find useful when they are looking for a very flexible form of financing. It does not require the same application process that one would find when applying for traditional financing. However, it is also geared towards companies with shorter tenure in business or concentrated with few customers. The inherent problem with extending terms to a customer of 30 days or more is it taps into your businesses capital to carry those invoice terms, which could lead to you not having the working capital on hand that you need to continue to operate optimally. Thus, factoring fills this gap by advancing your working capital based off your invoices (typically 85% or so of the face value of your invoices). Once your clients pay, you will receive the other 15% minus the factoring fee.
Asset-based lending is very similar to factoring and can often cause confusion between the two. However, like the name implies, asset-based lending is a form of commercial financing where your loan agreement is often secured multiple assets, or collateral, to provide you the maximum working capital your business needs. Assets are usually in the form of, accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, or other property that you may own.
Since CFG offers both asset-based lending and factoring, we can help you determine which is the best fit for you. We always do a thorough interview before any agreement is reached in order to understand your story and your needs. If either factoring or asset-based lending is not a good fit for your cash flow needs, we’ll tell you and point you in the right direction. Our mission is to help your small business grow, and we seek a win-win for all of our clients.
We Are a Bridge to Bankability
Bridge to bankability is a common saying around here at The Commercial Finance Group. Often small- to medium-sized companies find themselves in a Catch-22 where they are an established company, doing well and growing, but they haven’t been around long enough, or haven’t established the credit history required to obtain a traditional bank loan. This is where we come in. By factoring your invoices or obtaining an ABL lending facility, we customize these options to fit your needs.
Our contracts are structured specifically for our clients to be able to move into traditional banking and more traditional commercial financing loans without the risk of excessive termination fees or other barriers. Some choose to stay longer due to the flexibility and ease of access to management that The Commercial Finance Group offers. However, most of our borrowers are focused on getting back to traditional bank financing, which we help facilitate in any way that we can.
Experience, Combined with Knowledge = Wisdom
When it comes to commercial financing, you want someone who knows what they are doing. You want an expert in the financial world who not only can offer you a solution to your cash flow needs, but also one who can advise you throughout this time as your company grows. At Commercial Finance Group, our management team has in excess of (both financial industry and tenure at CFG) 250 years of experience, with additional staff adding another 200 years of experience. What this means is that there is not much that we haven’t seen in the business world.
Founded in 1974, we’ve weathered all of the financial storms since then and are in perfect position to plow through whatever is ahead. We have built a foundation of financial strength that not only carries us through the tough times, but also allows us to thrive during these times and continue to help small- to medium-sized businesses such as yours grow regardless of the macro environment. One of our specialties is customized lending solutions. We know what works and what doesn’t work, and we have the experience to help your business succeed. Contact us today!
We Think Outside the Box
The credit profile of the target borrower of The Commercial Finance Group is more vast than most other ABL/factoring companies. This is due to the fact that we offer more than one approach to financing a business, the ability we have developed to identify risk, and our ability to execute. We bring more than just money to the table. We bring ideas about how to finance your company, deal with your vendors, manage your cash flow process, and evaluate the credit you extending to your customers. We work with start up companies as well as mature companies that have had performance challenges, we focus on companies in the B2B sector with annual revenues from $250,000 to $40 million. The beauty of the process that we’ve developed to help your small business with its cash flow needs is that we are nimble, meaning we are able to adapt to changing market conditions and take time to really learn what your business is about. From in-transit finance to purchase order (PO) financing, Factoring, to ABL lending, we’ve got your working capital needs covered.
We Are Bank Agnostic
The Commercial Finance Group believes in offering you options that suit your business needs with no strings attached. We don’t engage in long-term contracts; we want what is best for your company in the given moment. That being said, we also don’t have unnecessary requirements for you to follow, such as requiring you to bank with a specific bank. We believe this can be a conflict of interest and only complicates matters when the reason you need commercial financing in the first place is to simplify matters. We have the financial strength to be bank agnostic, which makes us different than many other finance companies.
Active Owner-Involvement
The owners of The Commercial Finance Group are passionate about commercial finance; it has been their life for the past 45 years. They are actively engaged in the business and involved with every client every day. CFG is a flat organization, meaning there are no levels of management or hierarchy loops you have to jump through. This makes for quick and decisive response times to our clients’ needs.
Quick Approval and Funding Process
The reason you partnered with The Commercial Finance Group is to have access to the the right working capital you need as soon as possible so there are no hiccups or interruptions in your business flow. Factoring and ABL lending both have quick turnaround times. As soon as we have a complete financial package you can be approved in as little as 48 hours.
Factoring and ABL lending are simple ways to get access to the working capital you need without having to jump through hoops to do so. With both factoring and ABL lending, you don’t have to prove you have ample cash flow to repay a loan, which can be extremely hard to do during growing economic times. The Commercial Finance Group works with start-up companies, companies with very little tenure of operating, as well as those companies that can have are seasoned, but have had performance challenges, seasonal swings to their performance, or erratic cash flow.
The Commercial Finance Group looks at the whole picture of your company. We work with those companies that are considered “unbankable,” and we help them achieve “bankability.” We’ll help you improve your cash position, increase your purchasing power, and help you to improve your credit rating. When you have access to the working capital you need, you’ll be able to increase your production and your sales and continue to grow and prosper. All of our loans are customized to suit your needs. With quick turnaround times, we hope to augment your growth and accelerate your equity value. We endeavor to be your commercial finance company of choice, providing custom working capital solutions on your way to bankability. Contact us today to get started!