the commercial finance group

Strange Products And Services That Probably Received A Small Business Loan

Sometimes, you may look at a business or product out there and just think to yourself, “How is this a real...thing? Was this the result of a rich person with a lot of time on their hands?” With products like edible dress shoes made of chocolate and “potato parcels” (yes, handwritten messages on actual potatoes), [...]

2018-11-30T13:53:37-05:00November 14th, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Atlanta|

How To Show Your Employees That You Care About Them

Without a team behind your entrepreneurial venture, your small business will never truly be successful. Sure, there are many solo enterprise businesses and self-employed individuals who do quite well, but if you’ve launched a product or service and you want to grow, then you’re going to need some help. What’s the best way to ensure [...]

2018-11-15T13:38:03-05:00November 7th, 2018|Factoring Atlanta|

What Credit Means For You and Your Small Business

Think of the word “credit” as something similar to “credibility” — the two words do share most of the same letters, after all. Whether personal, business, or otherwise, your credit and subsequent credit score determine your financial viability and risk factor for companies to lend you something. Typically, what’s being lended comes in the form [...]

2018-10-26T11:23:33-04:00October 22nd, 2018|Invoice Factoring|

Taking Care of Your Mental Health As a Small Business Owner

Entrepreneurship is not easy. If you’ve spent just about any time turning what was once an idea into a profitable product or service — and endured the painstaking hours and toil necessary to successfully launch your business — you’ll know what we’re talking about. Since you’re here on our blog and you’re familiar with the [...]

2018-10-26T11:23:49-04:00October 10th, 2018|Invoice Factoring|

5 Effective Ways to Market Your Small Business Before the Holiday Season

If you’ve waited until Thanksgiving to start ramping things up for the holidays, you missed the gun. Typically, most companies start accelerating their marketing efforts sometime around late September to early October or even a little closer to Halloween. That may sound a bit early to start promoting holiday deals as they relate to your [...]

2018-10-16T10:50:37-04:00October 5th, 2018|Invoice Factoring|

How to Gauge the Growth of Your Small Business

Let’s say that you’ve invested a great deal of time and effort growing what was once a simple idea into a successful, lucrative small business model that’s now begun to gain some real traction. Actually, if you’ve grown your business from the ground up then we can safely assume that you’ve worked hard in order [...]

2018-10-15T09:34:51-04:00August 23rd, 2018|Invoice Factoring|

Keys to Building Enduring Relationships

Keys to Building Enduring Relationships Relationships are the key to success in business.  It doesn’t matter if the relationship is between you and a co-worker, a referral source or a customer, without them you will fail.  All types of relationships are vital for a long and successful career. It is your responsibility to effectively build [...]

2018-07-03T15:15:29-04:00June 26th, 2018|Blog|

Small Business Lending Solutions And Learning How To Ride A Bike

“Can your small business lending services really be equated to something as simple yet monumental as learning how to ride a bike?” That’s probably the first question that popped into your head. Perhaps you have other questions in mind along the lines of “Is growing my company really going to be as simple as [...]

2018-06-29T09:42:06-04:00June 25th, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Atlanta|

Enhancing A Business’ Financial Strategy

Determining a financial strategy and partner in today’s small business climate can be a daunting task. Where do you get the financial advice needed? How do you implement it? When is the right time to seek out financial support? What type of financial advice should you be seeking and from whom? These are good questions [...]

2018-06-27T10:52:43-04:00June 18th, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Los Angeles|

What You Shouldn’t Do When Your Small Business Needs More Funding

If you’re caught in a small business funding bind, know that you’re not alone. It’s actually a pretty common issue for ambitious entrepreneurs to identify a market gap and rapidly fill it with a product or service that seems lucrative. Perhaps new small business owners will even improve on an existing product or service, [...]

2018-06-28T17:15:22-04:00June 6th, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Los Angeles|
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