cash flow problems

The Benefits Of Having A Senior Financial Team Member Monitor Your Factoring

In order to ensure that you get the most out of factoring, you should enlist the help of a senior financial member on your team. This person should be constantly monitoring and tracking the usage of the factoring facility and working capital. Often, a company does not successfully utilize factoring finances because they are not [...]

2018-11-20T11:35:34-05:00November 15th, 2018|Factoring Atlanta|

Even More Silly, “Interesting” Business Ideas And Products

In a free market economy, modern-day capitalism has given rise to some pretty incredible ideas and businesses over the years. Conversely, the ability to launch any idea and bring it to market — as we should have the freedom to do so — has also led to some fairly...well, flat out ridiculous and silly products [...]

2018-04-17T10:50:57-04:00April 12th, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Los Angeles|

5 Things You May Have Never Learned About Factoring

You probably know by now that invoice factoring is one of the best and most effective ways in which small and medium-sized businesses ease some of the problems they have with cash flow. While you may understand the basics of factoring, that might be all you really know about the service. In this post, we [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:40-04:00February 22nd, 2018|Factoring Los Angeles|

Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Invoice Discounting

If you are the owner of a small or medium-sized business, you probably have done a fair amount of worrying about cash flow issues from time to time. While we have spoken about how invoice factoring could potentially be the answer for you, you might also want to consider invoice discounting depending on your specific [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:41-04:00February 20th, 2018|Factoring Los Angeles|

Factoring For New Business Owners In Los Angeles

We understand that the world of finance is often a difficult one to navigate. This is never truer than when you are attempting to get a new business off the ground. Where do you start? What do you need to know? Plain and simple, factoring is one of the more effective ways in which people [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:41-04:00February 16th, 2018|Factoring Los Angeles|

Insights on Startup Business Growth and Cash Flow Problems

If you search something like “common startup problems” on the web, chances are that many of your results concern something related to cash flow or cash flow issues. These days, there are many startup companies on the market, but the majority of startups eventually burn out and fail due to a number of reasons. As [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:50-04:00June 19th, 2017|Factoring Atlanta|

The History of Modern Finance and Factoring

Using valuable currency and other desirable items for trade, as a very primitive and early form of financial exchanges, goes back to the early dawn of mankind. Obviously, humankind has come a long way from exchanging rocks and food to using sophisticated software platforms to track numbers. Like many things that have been developed by [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:52-04:00April 14th, 2017|Factoring Atlanta|

The History Of Factoring Is Older Than You Think [Infographic]

Here at The Commercial Finance Group in Burbank, we’re proud to offer a full suite of alternative financing solutions to companies in the B2B sector. With our customized lending products--like factoring, receivables financing, and asset-based lending--we’re able to help modern companies achieve the growth and success they’re looking for, in a way that fits their [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:52-04:00March 30th, 2017|Factoring Burbank|

What Is Accounts Receivable Management?

The Commercial Finance Group is a leader in customized lending solutions for small to medium-sized companies in the B2B sector. For over 40 years, the experienced financing professionals on our nationwide team have helped companies get through their cash flow problems and build a bridge to long-term bankability through unique financial products. When discussing our [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:52-04:00March 26th, 2017|Factoring Burbank|

What Is Purchase Order Financing?

Here at The Commercial Finance Group, we’re proud to be a preferred provider of customized lending solutions for companies all over the country. Whether it’s a manufacturer in Los Angeles or a staffing provider in Atlanta, we can provide alternatives to traditional loans and other bank financing products. These services include factoring, receivables financing, and [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:52-04:00March 22nd, 2017|Factoring Los Angeles|
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