Tips For Using Assets To Secure A Small Business Loan
Although factoring is a large part of what we do here at The Commercial Finance Group in Atlanta, we also provide asset-based lending solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. When discussing commercial loans, asset-based lending [...]
Don’t Let Winter Weather Slow Down Your Business!
In the winter of 2014, a winter storm tore its way across the Southeast. Although it’s not common for Atlanta to get snow in the winter months, Mother Nature decided to bestow a heavy dose [...]
Invoice Factoring Can Help Your Business Expand
In previous blogs, we’ve discussed common causes of cash flow problems among small to medium-sized businesses as well as signs that your own business might be experiencing cash flow problems. In time when cash is [...]
3 Signs You’re Having Cash Flow Problems
As a well-known factoring company in the Atlanta area, businesses know us as the people they can turn to for solutions to their cash flow problems. Our experience has taught us that few things are [...]
Common Causes Of Cash Flow Problems In Business
Opening a business is one of the most treasured aspects of the American dream, yet for far too many entrepreneurs it ends in heartache and sometimes financial ruin. The number one reason that so many [...]
How Is Factoring Different From Accounts Receivable Financing?
The financial world is an industry that’s riddled with subtleties. Terms that sound very similar can often have different meanings, which makes a big difference when you’re shopping around for lending solutions. If you’ve spent [...]
What Are The Potential Downsides Of Asset-Based Loans?
We’ve published previous blogs about asset-based lending and its benefit for small to medium-sized businesses. We believe strongly in these benefits, which is why we’re so proud of the asset-based loans we provide here at [...]
Financing 101: Accounts Payable Vs. Accounts Receivable
If you’ve been browsing The Commercial Finance Group’s website for a few minutes, you’ve probably noticed terms like “account receivables financing” popping up all over the place. Understanding the role receivables financing can play in [...]
Building Your Bridge To Bankability
Every small to medium-sized business starts out with an idea. Whether you’re building websites or baking cakes, you have an idea, a vision, that sets you apart from the other companies already providing that good [...]
When Asset-Based Loans Just Make Sense
Just like humans, every business is unique. The challenges and successes that your business experiences may be very different from those experienced by another company, even one that’s in the same industry or community. As [...]
How Is Factoring Different From Forfaiting?
When it comes to finding solutions for cash flow problems, today’s growing businesses are rarely aware of their options. Many business owners and CFOs believe that they are at the mercy of the banks for [...]
Tips For Steering Clear Of Unscrupulous Factoring Companies
As we detailed in a previous blog, your ability to run a successful small to medium-sized business hinges on the strength of your decision making. Hire the wrong employee, sign a lease for the wrong [...]
Who Regulates Factoring Companies?
Running a successful business depends on your ability to make smart decisions. This includes who you partner with, which vendors you order from, and the people you hire. For small to medium-sized business looking [...]
Understanding Financing Options As A Medical Provider
Account receivables financing is something that's available to companies across many different industries, which leads many people who visit our website to wonder why we’re so specifically focused on the healthcare field. It’s true [...]
What Is Working Capital?
Click through even a couple pages on The Commercial Finance Group website and you’ll notice a term that keeps popping up: working capital. It’s easy to think that you know what this term means, after [...]
How To Generate Referral Relationships
The Commercial Finance Group is proud of the robust system of financial partnerships we’ve built in the Atlanta community and beyond. We are actively seeking banks, CPAs, and trusted financial advisors who would like to [...]
How Is Factoring Different From Bill Discounting?
If you've been experiencing cash flow problems at your business, chances are you’ve been doing a little research into your financing options. The fact that you’ve landed on our blog means that you’ve likely [...]
3 Advantages Of Asset-Based Loans
Because it's our goal to provide financial assistance to as many small to medium-sized businesses as possible, The Commercial Finance Group offers several different ways for companies to maximize their working capital. In a [...]
How Can Factoring Benefit Your Business?
As one of Atlanta’s most trusted factoring companies, The Commercial Finance Group has had the pleasure of assisting many small to medium-sized businesses that may otherwise never have survived in today’s complicated market. At [...]
How Factoring Finance Is Just Like A Fascinating Ferret
As a factoring company, finance is something we take very seriously here at The Commercial Finance Group in Atlanta. We realize that the receivables factoring and asset-based lending solutions we provide help small to medium-sized [...]