Driving Economic Opportunities With Asset-Based Lending
Here at the Commercial Finance Group in Atlanta, we often base the discussion of our lending solutions around the way that they can help small to mid-sized businesses recover from cash flow problems or mobilize [...]
3 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Factoring
The Commercial Finance Group has worked hard to become Atlanta’s top choice for factoring finance services. Thanks to the dedication and skills of our financial team, we’ve been able to diagnose cash flow problems in [...]
Why You Should Consider Asset-Based Loans For Your Business Needs
There’s a strange dichotomy we've noticed in the world of commercial finance, especially when it comes to small to medium-sized businesses. In the media, and in conversations with our peers, small to medium-sized businesses are [...]
Why Work With A Factoring Company Instead Of A Bank?
As a business owner, you’re in this for the long haul. You’ve spent a good portion of your life, and possibly even your own finances, building this business from the ground up. You’ve done your [...]
Advantages Of Off Balance Sheet Financing For Small Businesses
In a previous post, we introduced you to the world of off balance sheet financing (OBS) as an alternative to traditional bank loans. As we mentioned, not all small to mid-sized businesses are classified as [...]
Should You Finance Growth With Off Balance Sheet Financing?
Need business financing? “Get a loan!” say the banks, credit unions, and more than likely, your friends and family members. But is the long, invasive application process, and reluctant lending of traditional financial institutions really [...]
Evaluating These 6 Operating Expenses Could Solve Cash Flow Problems
Running a business takes a lot of hard work and unfortunately, many people become entrepreneurs without knowing the first thing about operating procedures, business expenses, and the type of commercial finance options they can take [...]
Healthcare Industry Entering A Period Of Financial Distress
Here at The Commercial Finance Group in Atlanta, we’re proud of our long and successful history of providing financial solutions for businesses in distress. Through our factoring, asset-based lending, and receivables financing, we’ve helped many [...]
Are Your Operating Procedures Costing You Money?
We've all heard the phrase, “It takes money to make money.” While the sentiment is true, this old adage leaves business owners desperately seeking more detailed information. How much money does it take to make [...]
3 Goals You Can Achieve With Receivables Financing
If you’ve landed here on the Industry Insights section of our website, it’s likely that you’re interested in small business finance solutions. Perhaps your company is experiencing a period of growth and you’re trying [...]
3 Ways Factoring Helps You Provide Better Customer Service
Pop quiz time! What’s your most important responsibility as a small to mid-size business owner or executive? If you’re like most entrepreneurs these days, your answer likely revolved around your customers. Without satisfied customers who [...]
Evaluating The Assets In Your Business
As we've detailed in previous blogs, asset-based lending solutions are a big part of what we do here at The Commercial Finance Group in Atlanta. Asset-based financing works differently from factoring or receivables financing in [...]
Is Your Business Ready For The Holiday Rush?
Halloween is over, which means there’s nothing else standing between your business and the biggest shopping season of the year. That’s right! Although we’re still a few weeks out from Thanksgiving, holiday shopping commercials and [...]
Short-Term Business Financing Solutions Versus Long-Term Loans
The day that you opened your business or assumed your leadership position, you probably never imagined that you’d be staring at a balance book that told you there weren’t enough funds to maintain your company. [...]
What Makes Factoring Different From Invoice Discounting?
As a busy business owner or Chief Financial Officer, we understand that you have a lot on your plate. You have a responsibility to meet or exceed the expectations of your clients, employees, and perhaps [...]
How To Capitalize On Overdue Accounts
Your business offers a good or service that people need. They purchase your goods or hire you to perform services. When the transaction is complete, they pay you and you have money to reinvest in [...]
Dispelling Three Common Myths About Receivables
Are you in search of a financing solution that will help to solve your company's cash flow problems? You may assume, as many people do, that the only place where you might be able to [...]
Are You Dealing With A Constantly Fluctuating Business Cycle?
Running a business would be much easier if life were just a little bit more predictable. Imagine the rock-solid decisions you could make if you had a guarantee that the 10 percent growth in [...]
The Worst Cash Management Mistakes Made By Small Businesses
Small to medium-sized businesses form the backbone of the American economy. These companies create jobs, pay taxes, and because they’re often locally owned, reinvest a portion of their revenue into the same cities and [...]
What’s It Like To Work With A Factoring Company?
If you've landed here on The Commercial Finance Group's blog, it’s likely because you're thinking about working with a factoring company or are looking for more information about factoring finance. You're in luck! Answers to [...]