Yearly Archives: 2018

Here Are Several Of The Silliest Business Ideas Ever Launched

If you’ve ever been sitting around and talking with friends, joking about ridiculous app or small business ideas that would never actually exist, your hilarious hypotheticals might not be that far off from the truth. In a time where hovering pizza delivery vehicles, ghost hunting apps and social networking sites for recently laid off employees [...]

2018-04-17T10:46:56-04:00April 6th, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Los Angeles|

How To Effectively Compete With Big Companies As a Small Business

“These corporate giants are absolutely massive!” you might be thinking. “How is our up-and-coming small business going to outsell them, or grow anywhere close to their size?” These are some of the typical doubts that may pass through your mind as the owner of a small business. And though it’s easy to get down on [...]

2018-04-16T10:18:19-04:00April 3rd, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Los Angeles|

Finding a Business Location In Los Angeles: Part Two

As we discussed in part one of our post on finding a quality business site in the greater Los Angeles area, location is one of the most pivotal factors in the success of your new business. The location that you choose can make or break a business, regardless of how well thought out its [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:38-04:00March 26th, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Los Angeles|

Finding a Business Location In Los Angeles: Part One

As we discussed in a previous post, there are many things that must be considered when you open a new business. Arguably one of the largest considerations that one must make is where you will decide to set up shop and plant your business’ new roots. Here at the Commercial Finance Group, we help [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:38-04:00March 25th, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Los Angeles, Blog|

Making a Successful Business Plan Part 2

Continuing Your Business Plan... In the first part of this blog series, we discussed the elements needed in your business plan to achieve possible small business financing solutions. Specifically, we discussed the needed parts of a business plan in order to be approved for small business loans. Though you may assume getting business loans is [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:39-04:00March 23rd, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Los Angeles|

Making a Successful Business Plan Part 1

Creating a Fantastic Business Plan Meeting with your financial lender is a big deal. Why? Well, for one your financial lender is the person you will rely on to give you the loan you need for your business. Although it is difficult to imagine how one person can determine whether you get a loan or [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:39-04:00March 22nd, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Los Angeles|

10 Los Angeles Technology Companies Worth Knowing About: Part 2

Welcome to part two of our discussion about Los Angeles technology companies. In our last post, we discussed how asset-based lending in LA can help companies, no matter their size. In today’s post, we will briefly summarize the benefits that an asset-based loan can provide a company, as well as continue to discuss more [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:39-04:00March 22nd, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Los Angeles|

10 Los Angeles Technology Companies Worth Knowing About: Part 1

Los Angeles has always been seen as a business destination, whether that be operating a business in LA, or making business trips to LA to meet with partners and clients. While LA has no shortage of large companies and corporations, it has always been thought that most of the big technology companies on the forefront [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:39-04:00March 21st, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Los Angeles|

The Benefits of Working With a Family-Owned Company

We live in an age of information in which you can do research about a company before you even talk to them and inquire about their services. While this is a huge benefit to consumers, it doesn't fully present them with the entirety of the company’s values, but rather, just the superficial appearance of [...]

2018-04-10T12:56:39-04:00March 19th, 2018|Asset-Based Lending Los Angeles|
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